
The Persistence offers a carefully planned tasting menu of content, rather than the all-you-can-eat, now-I-feel-sick buffet that is THE INTERNET. Or perhaps more relevant these days, it’s like a Hello Fresh box for your mind. An always nourishing, sometimes challenging, time-saving curation of female-focused stories, hand picked and delivered to your inbox. Current favourite ingredients? Careers, relationships, politics, empowerment.



We're not about breaking news or obsessive updates. Instead we select longer reads on the week’s talking points that chime with a midlife mindset. Some humour too - ok, sarcasm. Think dinner-party rather than water cooler chat - if you can remember what either of those things are.



We like to make connections - between women around the world, past events and new writers we hope you’ll continue to support. We curate stories that reflect the concerns and curiosities of Gen Xish / midlife / Xennial women. You know, the ones often skewered at the intersection of sexism and ageism? In the pandemic, it’s often felt like us who are juggling the most, struggling the most and listened to the least. We are persistence personified. This is for us.